stirling engine for parabolic trough experiment

Discussion on Stirling or "hot air" engines (all types)
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stirling engine for parabolic trough experiment

Post by nicoechaniz »

Hi, I´m Nico, new to the forum. I posted a small intro message in the New members thread.

We are working on a replacement for a solar heater solar collector, which will use a 2mx1m polished steel parabolic trough and an evacuated (vaccum insulated) tube as the collector. We want to pair this with a stirling engine of around 200W power, which would roughly match the system capacity (according to some ChatGPT calculations).

Are there any plans you know of for the construction of a 200W stirling engine? We plan adding to our workshop any needed tools, as long as they are not extremely expensive :)

We have read theory and played around with can models in the past, but we now need to build a more robust unit that can actually be provided to rural families for daily use. Any hints on where to find plans and instructions to work on such a project?

We will publish all our resulting work openly, as we do with all the tech that we incorporate and develop.


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