Discussion on Stirling or "hot air" engines (all types)
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Post by Administrator »

Please press the "report" on any post that is inappropriate.

It automatically emails me of the problem.


PS: sorry for the last spam attack.
Tom Booth
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Post by Tom Booth »


I was wondering about image links. I have posted numerous images to the forum that are hosted on my own domain, some posted years ago but no longer show up here.

I thought it might be some settings on my own server, but as far as I can tell that doesn't seem to be the case, and images hosted from the same site show up on other forums.

Are remotely hosted images being blocked here?

I can understand if that's the case, due to spam, but it would be good to know so I can stop messing around on my control panel trying to fix something that isn't broken.
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Post by Administrator »

Tom Booth wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:50 am Thanks.

I was wondering about image links. I have posted numerous images to the forum that are hosted on my own domain, some posted years ago but no longer show up here.

I thought it might be some settings on my own server, but as far as I can tell that doesn't seem to be the case, and images hosted from the same site show up on other forums.

Are remotely hosted images being blocked here?

I can understand if that's the case, due to spam, but it would be good to know so I can stop messing around on my control panel trying to fix something that isn't broken.
Nothing is being blocked.

Give me the URL of a "blocked images" in a post and I will check it out.

Tom Booth
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Post by Tom Booth »

Darryl Boyd wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:00 pm
Tom Booth wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:50 am Thanks.

I was wondering about image links. I have posted numerous images to the forum that are hosted on my own domain, some posted years ago but no longer show up here.

I thought it might be some settings on my own server, but as far as I can tell that doesn't seem to be the case, and images hosted from the same site show up on other forums.

Are remotely hosted images being blocked here?
Nothing is being blocked.

Give me the URL of a "blocked images" in a post and I will check it out.

I tracked down the problem. It is the Chrome browser.

It seems they are now blocking cross platform images hosted on any site that is not using https encryption as "not secure" by default. The images can be viewed in another tab though, because then it opens on the "insecure" server directly so isn't "cross platform". ?

1) just right click on the broken image icon and open a new tab to see the image. or
2) add an exception, instructions here: Choose which sites can show insecure content on a computer OR
3) Use a different browser.
4) I could add https security.

Why I don't want to do 4. I think all this forced https stuff on ordinary websites is part of a general trend to take over the internet. Like was done with satalite TV. Once everything is encrypted, we will have to pay for the decryption of what would otherwise be free content.

Here is an eample:


The image shows up, as far as I know, in any other browser but Google/Chrome. I haven't checked them all though. Im not sure about Chrome on Windows. The Android and/or Linux versions of Chrome anyway.
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Post by Administrator »

It is not the https concerns of this website (forum), but they question the https concerns of the website where the images is hosted (

Not much I can do about that. Our website (forum) uses https.
As you can see, the images on the hosted site is on a "non secure" website (http).

I would suggest using the image storage system on the forums and place the image on our "secured" server.

It ticked me off when I had to go to https a few years back. At that time, Google would give priority to a website (if it were secured) on ranking over non-secured website. I had to move our entire forums (and my other sites) to a new hosting to get https for free over paying for it at the old host.

Tom Booth
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Post by Tom Booth »

Darryl Boyd wrote: Thu Dec 02, 2021 1:15 pm It is not the https concerns of this website (forum), but they question the https concerns of the website where the images is hosted (

Not much I can do about that. Our website (forum) uses https.
As you can see, the images on the hosted site is on a "non secure" website (http).
Right, I know. That's one of my own domains.
I would suggest using the image storage system on the forums and place the image on our "secured" server.
I've been mostly posting images as attachments since I noticed the problem, not knowing what was causing it.

All those images were showing up fine for many years, until some relatively recent Chrome browser update. It is mostly just old posts. Probably not worth worrying about at this point, just something to be aware of
It ticked me off when I had to go to https a few years back. At that time, Google would give priority to a website (if it were secured) on ranking over non-secured website. I had to move our entire forums (and my other sites) to a new hosting to get https for free over paying for it at the old host.

It reminds me of the old "browser wars". Google's help page above says:
To help you stay on safe on the web, Chrome requires websites to use certificates from trusted organizations
I guess no cirtifucate, (http), that was/is internet standard for what? 20, 30 years until now, just won't do. Now everything has to be vetted by Google, apparently, just to exist on the internet.

My solution, I just downloaded Firefox. Problem solved.

On the other hand, it is possible for hackers, (or anyone I suppose), tracking sites etc to use images in some way. In emails for example: ... c-download

Though, what's to prevent a hacker or a tracker from using https? And the number of times a private conversation (near my phone) results in related advertisements being served up by Google, (who tracks everything), can't possibly all be just coincidence.
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Post by Administrator »

I don't use Chrome, or Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. I only use Firefox. The others want to try and control you internet viewing and always have.

I also don't use Yahoo or Google or Bing. They limit you too much and also track you for their clients. I use Duck Duck Go. No tracking ever. Just as good.

However, I have to use the above search engines to "test" my webpages, because most people do use them. I understand. They come on their computers "pre-loaded" and for many, it is just easier. What ticks me off is, On Google, if there is an image too large for a cell phone, they "tag" my site as not as good as another website that controls their images. I can't "monitor and change" all the images coming onto this forums and my other forums to meet their requirements. So, I fall lower in the search engine rankings. It matters not if you have the best website and most visited, you drop on the search engines!

Well, I've got to the point I just ignore the search engines and do what is best. If a cell phone user wants to come to my sites, then they will have to "scroll" to see the entire images.

Well, this https stuff really crossed the line with me. Google can go to H*ll as far as I'm concerned. I think they "THINK" they are protecting their viewers, but they are doing nothing. Now it is a fight to add Cr@p to show they are a more safe platform (then their competitors) to surf the web. BS.

Well, one day, People like myself will stop making webpages and it will turn totally commercial. Then ... Goodby.

Tom Booth
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Post by Tom Booth »

Administrator wrote: Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:41 am
Well, one day, People like myself will stop making webpages and it will turn totally commercial.
I don't think that will ever happen. I hope not anyway. I think they (who try to monopolize everything) end up shooting themselves in the foot.
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Post by Darryl »

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